So to those out there suffering, you will make it! Over the past 15 years we have assisted people in 78 countries get off, wean off, and taper off prescription drugs with our In-Home Withdrawal Program that includes specially formulated nutraceuticals to support you in your healing journey.Â. - (South Carolina) - Effexor Withdrawal Success Story. I was diagnosed with depression shortly after my mother passed away over 20 years ago. User Reviews for Effexor XR. And while I do have tearful moments of grieving for what life dealt me, I also know its time to move on. Thanks in advance. I didn't think that much of it until near the end of the second day. I still have some dizziness and headache, but all manageable. As someone who has taken Effexor XR (venlafaxine HCl), I know all too well what the withdrawal symptoms of this medication are like they can be pure hell. Because Effexor is prescribed, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions for taking it. "'But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD..." Jeremiah 30:17, Michel B.L. Getting Rid of Weight Gained on Effexor? My experimentation is finished! I wanted to write to you and tell you how much better I am and to thank you for your help. I did well, except for the last 3 weeks of withdrawals, which I was told to expect. "Given time, anybody can win this battle. Are you searching for how to taper off Effexor safely? Most people who try to taper Effexor XR on their own or with their doctor's advice end up going back on it again because of the side effects or what they think is a relapse of their condition (i.e. I know that I will still have days (and nights) where I feel sadness creep up on me…but I also know that I will have days of joy and peace that I could never have had on the anti-depressant medications. Effexor success stories? J. Jules5 Well-known member. I went to see my psychiatrist yesterday. Free on-line CBT programs: Terry has been a great help and encouragement to me and has walked me through this process along with your guidance. I'm actually already off Effexor completely. just quality content or sales notices.Â. I have definitely had some waves of depression and anxiety, but for the most part I feel good - nothing near as bad as I felt over the weekend! Then day 1 with nothing started the shakes, severe anxiety, feelings of hopelessness and like it would never get better. It feels like a miracle. And if you go on Paxil or Effexor websites, they should have a section of success stories, so you can see people who did get better. In other words, yo… I was fortunate to have only taken this medication for a couple months. I really appreciate the gift of being able to be off the SSRI's because of the negative side effects they had. After a few years of taking antidepressants, I started to question my doctor about why I couldn't come off them because in fact, it had been so many years. I am really struggling today. Full complex definition of "fine" at my success story thread. You can do this! Very discouraged--are withdrawals permane Although not a long-term SSRI user, I was definitely a long-term benzo user, and those drugs are often regarded as even harder to get off and stay off than SSRIs. I'm really struggling. I read through the POINT OF RETURN doctor's information booklet provided as well and had highlighted certain areas of the book that I thought would quickly convince him that their system was based on sound research. within the Prescription Medication forums, part of the Treatment category; So on Friday my doctor prescribed me venlafaxine. Just wean down safely and slowly and you'll be fine!! Alternative to Meds has been an expert antidepressant withdrawal resource for over 15 years. So you may want to discuss with your doctor if there are drugs without such withdrawal effects. How do people get through this and still function? Previously on Citalopram maximum dose 2004 to 2009, withdrew to nothing 2010, onto fluoxetine maximum dose 2010 to 2013, then tried several different meds that I don't remember for 4 months in 2013, settling on the Effexor. I was depressed all right…of that there is no doubt; however, I now know that I should have been given other ways of coping besides being prescribed drugs. 🙂 I’m almost weaned off Effexor XR and am making my mission to … What are the different mirtazapine success stories? Dear Alesandra,Terry and everyone at POINT OF RETURN. In between this initial appointment and the follow up; I was taking the POR nutrients & probiotics. How long did it take? At the time of my mother's death, I was a single mother and she was the only real support system I had. Learn more about the Point of Return Effexor withdrawal program.  Order the Point of Return Withdrawal Program. My heartfelt thanks to all of the POINT OF RETURN team – the group of participants that provide emotional support on the forum – and most of all – to Alesandra. I posted a video featuring Matt Samet a while ago: Benzos: a short video — “it really is that bad”. I ordered the withdrawal system and anxiously awaited its arrival. Now today I feel like crap again! I started to seek out information about antidepressants and withdrawal symptoms and I started to read a great deal of information on cognitive therapy for depression as well as potential alternatives to prescription drugs. So this type of anxiety that comes with the withdrawal is very new to me. However she thinks the reason I am still feeling down is due to depression and not the withdrawal anymore. 61% of those users who reviewed Effexor XR reported a positive effect, while 23% reported a negative effect. I wanted to know if anyone has had any GOOD experiences with Effexor? Everything was just spinning. Today I woke up with the shakes again pretty bad, chest is tight, and I feel that "frozen" feeling like I can't (or don't want to) do anything. If you come off the medication cold turkey, you may send your body and mind into a state of total shock, depression, anxiety, and disarray. I feel anxious, depressed - like I can't do or enjoy anything. Asked 30 Dec 2014 by lynnoffcym Updated 18 November 2019 Topics cymbalta, m o s, depression, bipolar disorder, pain, withdrawal, opioid, brain, brain zap After withdrawal from Effexor is complete, other treatments are also provided that accelerate the normalizing of neurochemistry. 3 comments. Just be careful if you ever decide to stop taking it and ween off of it very slow! Zaps gone, but have profound depression. Today is 1 week off Effexor for me. Cold turkey is NOT safe, always wean yourself off. We have gathered over 20,000 stories and treated many otherwise hopeless cases … Effexor and Effexor XR are the brand names in the United States for Venlafaxine, an antidepressant pill that is used to treat millions of people. The day I received the package, I read Alesandra's book, "Deeds of Trust" in one sitting. It was never recommended that I seek any kind of grief counseling nor was I told how harmful making major decisions in my life could be…but…thank God; it is all behind me now. The side effects I'm struggling with are mostly emotional- depersonalization, MAJOR increased anxiety and depression, feelings of hopelessness, despair. But before I even took it I started feeling so much better! If I were a diabetic, I was asked, would I not take insulin? Update: I feel so much better! I felt flat. My withdrawal was aweful. I was amazed by what she had been through and knew in my heart that if she could survive that kind of pain and anguish, I could certainly work through my 'stuff'. Someone who saw that video and read the story I linked to in the post about his protracted withdrawal illness thought that perhaps he'd never recovered because in those pieces of media his recovery was… I am also taking 10mg of Prozac since Monday. Effexor XR has an average rating of 6.8 out of 10 from a total of 794 ratings on Others report the sensation spreads out to other parts of the body. I've been off Cymbalta 45 days. Tapering Off to Avoid Severe Withdrawal Symptoms Talk with your doctor or psychiatrist. ‘Taking Venlafaxine has ruined my life; … This stress hormone is highest in the body in the a.m., as to get us up and going after sleeping all night. Effexor is prescribed by doctors to treat depression, anxiety disorders, as well as panic disorder. My name is Michel, and I took high doses of SSRI's for about 12 years. ‘It’s too late for me,’ she tells us. effexor. Re: Quitting SSRIs: success stories please. I was repeatedly told not to worry about it – they were not addictive – and I just needed to accept that I was one of those people that have a brain chemistry that doesn't properly supply the serotonin levels I need to live a normal life. Looking for an Effexor withdrawal or how to wean off Effexor program that really works? I think I am past the worst part of this withdrawal. Kellia A. Just hoping for Venlafaxine success stories . The withdrawl is far worse than I bargained for, so I take one day at a time.. I kept in touch with Alesandra by email for a couple of days back and forth and it was obvious that she knew exactly what she was talking about and she quickly gained my trust and respect. She prescribed me 10mg of Prozac to help with the withdrawal. Effexor withdrawal can be extremely difficult if not done under the careful supervision of a psychiatrist or other experienced health professional. I will be seeing to the recreational needs of the elderly in a nearby nursing home. Joined : Nov 2014. I recently found out I was pregnant and had to get off of effexor fast. I feel anxious, depressed - like I can't do or enjoy anything. Thanks for being there and letting me know,life needn't be hopeless, or without light and possibilities. That being said, I made it through. With my wonderful psychiatrist's supervision and the encouragement of the folks at POINT OF RETURN, I used the nutrients diligently over a period of several months and had the compounding pharmacist taper my EFFEXOR according to the instructions. I am 32 and had great success on effexor xr., 12 Minute Meditation Focused on Relieving Physical Symptoms,, Post Edited By Moderator (Scaredy Cat) : 8/20/2015 3:58:06 PM (GMT-6). Update: I have had a couple really great days! I was pleasantly surprised when I had my next doctor's visit. EXPECT DELAYS. WINTER STORMS AFFECTING SHIPMENTS AND DELIVERY. LIFE IS GOOD!...." I will stay on the program to the end and am sure I will continue to mend. On 10 mg daily from June 2016 to early 2017. I’d like to think the opposite can be true also but I’m not going to find out. r/EffexorSuccess - for redditors to share success stories about their treatment and for those considering Effexor to ask meaningful questions about the treatment of depression/anxiety/etc. Positive stories about venlafaxine? I was probably a bit too close to my mom and consequently, I took her death pretty hard. Felt crappy like I had the flu for a week but after that I was fine. I really need it right now! Its smaller than the last one and should be alot easier. When we begin experiencing benzodiazepine or antidepressant withdrawal, we are desperate to find hope and solid information. Effexor XR Withdrawal Effexor XR withdrawal - Part 2 effexor withdrawl Xenical success story Effexor XR withdrawals; side effects while taking it also; R hair thinning on Effexor XR Effexor withdrawal. This is a discussion on Positive stories about venlafaxine? Common Questions and Answers about Effexor withdrawal stories. Now I do look forward to getting out and meeting people like I used to. Keep on fighting. I did a very gradual taper but the very end is what really did it for me. But I held tight, and I finally made it off these drugs and have been thriving off of them for a year! The morning was rough and I did go in for an emergency session with my psychiatrist. I tried on a couple of occasions to wean myself off of the effexor to no avail. I pamper myself with a bubble bath, read a good book, watch a comedy or a romantic love story and of course, keep myself well-stocked with SUPPORT. Today is day 2 with nothing. Inform your doctor you are tapering down from 75 mg Venlafaxine and ask them to prescribe 37.50 tabs to help with tapering doses (1/2 dosage down from 75 mg Venlafaxine capsules). Newer Post, Point of Return has long been recognized as a leading expert in Sleeping Pill, Antidepressant and Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Alternative to in-patient Treatment. career thus far had he seen a single case of notably bad "withdrawal" from Effexor. Stay on Schedule: If you forget to take your Effexor dose, take the dose as soon as you remember. I am still rather tired, but not that bad. I didn't equate the feelings I was experiencing to any kind of withdrawal until I went to a clinic on the 3rd day because I knew I wasn't going to be able to drive and I had to get home. Alesandra would speak with me one on one via email when I had some struggles through the titration and as usual, she was my faithful angel. Thank you! Last night I took a .25mg Xanax and whether it was the pill or just the ability to relax I actually felt normal for the first time. Joined Jan 27, 2019 Messages 1,984 Location Florida. Order the Point of Return Withdrawal Program. Similarly, if you miss a dose of long-acting venlafaxine, you may start to develop withdrawal symptoms within a day or two. For help with anxious and/or depressive thoughts: Therapy Work Sheets: Hi Erin, I came off the lowest dose of Effexor cold turkey because my goofy p doc at the time instructed me to do it that way. I cannot clearly recall how I came across POINT OF RETURN; but I am certainly grateful that I did, because it was most definitely my point of return – to sanity. As a matter of fact I start a new job on the 6th doing what I used to do and left due to burn out and simple drug poisoning. About 3 years ago, I went away on a long weekend shopping trip with a girlfriend and I accidentally forgot my Effexor at home. I wake up every morning feeling a little nervous (about. On the rare occasions that I tried to get off of them on my own, I would soon begin to cry for no apparent reason. Moral of the story, never assume because it was at one- time in your life, it will be again. Perseverance is … I timed it so the worse days were a weekend and I slept a lot, took some Dramamine which help with the brain zaps, and drank chamomile tea to help stay hydrated. Veteran Member. A few weeks ago I emailed Alesandra about the fact I had gone off effexor cold turkey and was suffering horribly. I kept going back to the POINT OF RETURN site and read the information over and over again and I finally mustered up the courage to contact them. It was a Saturday or Sunday evening that I sent an email and I just about fell out of my chair when Alesandra responded within the hour! My withdrawal was so bad they didn't work for me, but many have reported success with St. John's Wort and relaxants such as passionflower while they overcome the withdrawal. (New York) Effexor Withdrawal Success Story My name is Michel, and I took high doses of SSRI's for about 12 years. The electric shocks to my head have diminished and the dizziness is pretty much gone. Over the years, I was given an assortment of antidepressants; Desipramine, Prozac a couple others thrown in for good measure (the names of which I can't remember now) and finally the doctors settled on Effexor. (Canada) Effexor Withdrawal Success Story. are some things that may help you to feel better.:). I built up my courage and made an appointment with my doctor to let him know that I wanted to go on the POR program. report. save. The following are the different mirtazapine success stories that have been stated by people who have been through the withdrawal phase from this kind of medication: Johnny D. Trudee H. Laura S. Johnny D. (MICHIGAN) Klonopin, Mirtazapine (Remeron), Suboxone In a widely read article on antidepressant withdrawal published on April 8, The New York Times invited readers to describe their experiences coming off the drugs. These are reported by our outcome studies to improve energy, sleep patterns, mood, etc., and the client can receive the health-optimizing benefits of life coaching, neurotoxin removal, and effective medical guidance . I couldn't focus on anything; I had a pounding headache and ringing in my ears; I felt like I had vertigo. Joined Jan 16, 2019 Messages 1,534. I was hoping I could start a generic drug that may lessen the effexor withdrawal symptoms. It was then that I was told that my body was reacting to not having the Effexor. At nearly two weeks out I can say that I am feeling SO much better. It is intended for those who wish to be part of a constructive community dedicated to the improvement of their mental health. I followed the POINT OF RETURN program religiously and stayed on the private forum (mostly reading at first) to keep focused. AngelLisa. Page 1 of 2 - Effexor Success Stories - posted in Effexor® (Venlafaxine) / Pristiq. On the rare occasions that I tried to get off of them on my own, I would soon begin to cry for no apparent reason. My only issue right now is I'm still dealing with these "waves" of anxiety. Currently doing fine off the drugs, albeit dealing with significant unprocessed trauma issues with weekly psychologist sessions. "It has been a year since I took last drop of Prozac and in 2 months it is going to be 4 years since my last dose of Paxil. increase in anxiety)but it is just the withdrawal side effects from the drug. "has anyone used effexor (venlafaxine) xr not past 150 -only as an ssri with success in their practice?" I've read plenty of threads on this board about how horrible Effexor XR is, that it causes terrible withdrawal symptoms and other things. Full complex definition of "fine" at my success story thread. I'll keep you updated and thank you so much for all the support. … I also picked up some excellent Omega 3 oil (vegetarian brand as I am allergic to any seafood/shellfish) and sought out a compounding pharmacist in my area. share. Sep 4, 2019 #6 I left a job of 8 years and moved away from the city I was living in at that time, which is definitely not something I should have done. I will get insurance through work come Nov. 1. My experience. It was a very frightening experience and I knew that I wanted to be drug free from that point on. Effexor Withdrawal Success Stories. ! There is also another compilation of recovery stories at Beyond Meds. Depersonalization-derealization symptoms:,, Book recommendation and information on D/P, Have gotten off Effexor program that really works tight, and I did a very frightening experience and knew. If anyone has had any GOOD experiences with Effexor suffering, you may to! 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