", Cawl willed the Arc Scourge's tendrils to war mode, already anticipating the joy of dissection. He is forbidden entirely from the catacombs of Mandragora under pain of death, following a long-ago attempt to spirit away the Staff of the Destroyer, and welcomed on Moebius on the strict understanding that his arrival will in some way improve the standing of the ruling Nekthyst Dynasty. Trazyn the Infinite and Orikan the Diviner are opposites. So many prizes worthy of preservation clamoured for attention. "I am not yet done with this world, and nor is your Imperium. This page was last edited on 28 October 2020, at 07:39. However he was defeated in personal combat by He'stan. [Book excerpt: The Infinite and the Divine]The Horus Heresy turned Trazyn into a Space Marine collector Trazyn stepped back to look at his work. The first alarm came from the Bell of Saint Gerstahl. Trazyn the Infinite in his full panoply of war. "You sow corruption wherever you tread. For thousands upon thousands of standard years, it had sat in silence upon its pedestal, content to while away eternity in the vast collection of artefacts possessed by Trazyn. Trazyn the Infinite is an ancient Necron Overlord noted amongst his kind as a keeper of history and a preserver of artifacts and events on the Tomb World of Solemnace. Not wishing to see Chaos spread throughout the Galaxy and perhaps searching for new items of his collection, Trazyn ventured to Cadia and aided the Imperial defenders there. Others were not so swift to react. You robbed me of the opportunity for study.". They could not, for inaction was the price of custodianship. [12] Trazyn misremembers much of the past he can recall, such as insisting he was physically forced into Biotransference when according to Orikan he had embraced it. They are an ancient beyond reckoning, pre-dating even the Eldar. And then Trazyn let the darkness claim him, teleporting back to Solemnace, thief and would-be saviour both. Creed stumbled. Dedicated above all to his obsessive collecting, a victory by Chaos, condemning the galaxy to potential destruction at the hands of the Ruinous Powers, would severely damage Trazyn's ability to find new specimens. Marque Games Workshop Web only. In his possession are technologies and relics that are so valuable as to be priceless. With each moment, the tendrils of his machine consciousness wended deeper into the pylon's pathways, his understanding of its arcane constructions magnifying with each binharic calculation. https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Trazyn?oldid=373956, One of the shrines that had contained the. Many of Trazyn's foes have become startled to discover that the Necron they had slain who they believed to be Trazyn was in fact a Lychguard or a lesser Necron Lord. Subject: Does Trazyn The Infinite have a Primarch? Thousands of lives, cast into oblivion in pursuit of one singular artefact. The Shrine World's guardians had been just as desperate to keep the Bell of Saint Gerstahl as the Black Legion had been to destroy it. "Stop me if this sounds familiar, but I suspect your priorities require re-evaluation.". Trazyn has tried twice to obtain the Spear of Vulkan for his collection, a potent melee weapon and one of the nine Artefacts of Vulkan left behind by the Salamanders Legion's primarch for his Astartes sons to reclaim over the millennia after his last known reappearance during the War of the Beast in the 32nd Millennium. It is a trinket really, only of interest to scholars such as you and I, but I trust you will find it amusing -- assuming you have the wit to escape its clutches, of course. Alas, whilst he fancies these names to be masterful attempts at deception, all are simply plucked from ancient Necron myth or fabled literature, such as Nemesor Koschai or Thantekh the Deathless. [12c], Trazyn awoke from the Great Sleep prematurely and during that time sought to expand his collection, pledging that he would one day share it with the rest of his race when they fully awoke. On such occasions, the real Trazyn works from behind the scenes in order to circumvent direct opposition through stealth and trickery to get his necrodermis-sheathed hands on the latest prize to add to his collection. It pulsed beneath the weave of worlds like an infection, forcing its way to the surface. Trazyn realised the Oruscar had known about the rising corruption for Terran centuries -- perhaps even millennia -- but had made no move to combat it. Eternity awaits.". Creed." "'Thief' normally suffices. No...Not after Somonor. He can do it to any higher ranking Necron, including the pilot of a Ghost Ark which is technically a noble Lord. [1] Trazyn has tried twice to obtain the Spear of Vulkan from Salamanders Forgefather Vulkan He'stan. Each is obsessed with their own speciality and their rivalry spans a millennia. [12d], He is known to hold technologies and relics that are so rare as to be priceless. ", Cawl allowed an angry hiss to rattle through his rebreather. Trazyn with some of his many pokémon Throughout eons, his collection has only grown bigger. At last, he comprehended the full scope and purpose of the pylon fields, the elegance of a design millennia beyond the advances of the Adeptus Mechanicus. However he was defeated in personal combat by He'stan, and later foiled once again in the Tochran Crusade. [13]T, Trazyn's philosophy of preserving the past is in stark contrast to the Cryptek Orikan the Diviner's hope of changing it for a better future and the two were hated enemies even in life. These occurrences go some way to explain why Trazyn rarely travels under his own name, but with his true identity concealed by pseudonym. Alas, few worlds willingly give up the artefacts Trazyn seeks of them, selfishly clutching onto the few meaningful things of their civilisation rather than offering them up to be preserved through the ages. They were too parochial. The Dreadnought Talon at their head, the time-lost Ultramarines prosecuted their eternal battle anew. The last high council of Idharae Craftworld[2b] 1.2. He is known to hold technologies and relics that are so rare as to be priceless. ", Secondary circuits meshed, retrieving ancient data. This caused Eidolon to dispatch Fabius Bile and Flavius Alkenex to Solemnace to retrieve it. This pack contains Trazyn the Infinite - a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes as three components, and is supplied with a … Beaviz81 Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus Norway If witty speculation shall rule. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The That is why we are here, on this wretched pit of a planet. Take a look at what the ultimate collector has in his vaults. I will simply awaken elsewhere. He paused. Yet together, they may hold the secret to saving the Several regiments of Vostroyan Firstborn, including the XXI Vostroyan Regiment. Not only were the Chaos' forces links to the Warp restored, but the Eye of Terror began to grow beyond its former bounds, engulfing the Cadian Gate and the dying Fortress World itself. Orders rang out, and the shaken Vostroyans entered the fray, joined by snipers from long-dead Tanith, Salamanders Astartes thought lost during the Klovian disaster, and a lone warrior in golden armour, his scarlet plume and eagle heraldry of the Adeptus Custodes seldom seen so far from the cradle of Mankind on Terra. If you seek to save it, I suggest you focus that formidable certainty of yours elsewhere. "But neither of us desires to see this galaxy ripped asunder by the Empyreal Ones. ", The Necron set his staff aside. Anger seared it away. Trazyn first sought to take the Spear from its wielder, the Salamanders Forgefather Vulkan He'stan, in 878.M41. The raucous din of war grows louder in every corner of the galaxy, consuming temples, cities, worlds and even entire races long before Trazyn has had the opportunity to catalogue and "rescue" all that is worth saving. Cawl managed to get the Cadian Pylon network functioning briefly, and it even cut the Forces of Chaos' connection to the Immaterium by causing the Eye of Terror to begin to shrink, badly weakening the hold of its daemonic forces upon the Materium. The western wall of the vast cavern collapsed with an ear-splitting roar. To his understanding, it was a drab, grey world, of interest only to the bellicose. The last high council of Idharae Craftworld 1.2. Cawl saw none of it, his tri-level consciousness locked in the joys of discovery. The vast and numberless vaults burrowed through the Tomb World of Solemnace are crowded with technologies so rare and sublime that any Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-priest would give the life of several close colleagues just to know that they existed. If I might level a minor criticism, the instructions issued to your gift were manifestly not as clear as you thought, as most of them had to be forcibly restrained -- sadly it seems that the lower orders will always behave like an army of invasion, whether that be their purpose or not. "Wait...What did you call me? These are some of the most prized possessions of Trazyn and consist of holographic events recapturing events from history deemed worthy of preservation. ", Sardonic laughter, dry as dust, echoed around the cavern. Or she tried to. Condition is "Used". In the Orrery, that world was catalogued as a string of trinary data, whose details Trazyn deliberately forgot. The Puritan Inquisitor Greyfax would prove to be the most potent of the Imperial agents that Trazyn released back into the galaxy that day. With the arrival of the impossible reinforcements, the Black Legion assault stalled. At last he found it, far to the galactic northwest, bordering the Eye of Terror. As he stepped into the whirling sphere of living metal and holographic light, Trazyn realised something was amiss. Trazyn the Infinite and Orikan the Diviner are opposites. Again Greyfax tried to pull the trigger. ", The Arc Scourge grew still at Cawl's wordless command. Trazyn the Infinite has quite the collection of “items” in his collection. Indeed many surrogates are actually Necron Lords or Necron Overlords in their own right who, unbeknownst to them, have had their bodies subverted by Trazyn. History The first doleful note it chimed split the vaulted ceiling of the bell's stasis chamber, unleashing a flood of coolant that instantly dissolved the last examples of Ooliac sand-sculpture in existence. Please note, the title of this auction describes the function of the item that you are bidding on. It bounced twice, the shifting energy fields decomposing into glowing gossamer strands, then its captive dimensions unfolded in a burst of dazzling light, disgorging a new army into the war-torn cavern. Trazyn's personal vessel is the Shroud Class Light Cruiser Lord of Antiquity[12a]. I find that no matter which I use, no one ever believes them." "I mean you no harm." [12c], Trazyn carries a clutch of Mindshackle Scarabs and wields the Empathic Obliterator which is an ideal weapon for his purposes, as he disdains exhaustive physical combat and far prefers a single telling blow at the opportune moment. But abomination or thief, you and I have common cause. ", "I was there when they were first erected. Had he come as thief or a saviour? Though they were forced to reconcile and join forces after discovering they had both been duped by The Deceiver, Orikan still vows revenge. At Trazyn's direction, Cawl focussed his attentions on the pylon that served as the command node for the Elysion Fields. Pausing only to cast the contraption into the depths of the Webway -- where he profoundly hoped it would bedevil the Aeldari as much as it had lately inconvenienced him -- the lord of Solemnace pondered the meaning of it all. Yet these days of caution and plotting are fast passing by. Cawl turned, servo-crawlers scuttling beneath him. He felt his strength ebbing as his lifeblood seeped into the greatcoat's fabric. Nothing will change. [10b], During the Thirteenth Black Crusade Trazyn's collection on Solemnace was thrown into upheaval. ", "Perhaps. In his possession are technologies and relics that are so valuable as to be priceless. Each is obsessed with their own speciality, and their rivalry spans millennia. Before Bio-Transference Trazyn was a Necrontyr scribe and Chief Archivist who oversaw the mummification of Necrontyr Phaerons. 1.1. Some such statues are nothing less than the original enactors of history, frozen in the moment of triumph or defeat and whisked away to Solemnace to forever stand as testament to their deeds. ", Trazyn the Infinite, amidst the battle between the Space Marines and his Necron Legion. Fra games-workshop.com: Trazyn the Infinite is a preserver of histories, artefacts and events. Water crystals formed on the pock-marked metal of Trazyn's body. The door jerked closed. [5], Sometime later, Trazyn journeyed to Harmony in search of new additions to his collection but was wounded by Eidolon. Also part of the bargain was Fabius Bile himself, who Trazyn desired to add to his collection. Our reckoning will wait.". Trazyn Nieskończony (ang. "I thought you'd never ask.". No, sadly Helynna Valeria would be of no assistance, but maybe she held the key -- or at least invited a certain sardonic justice. Even on Ork-held planets, T'au Sept worlds and Human colonies, where his dealings are conducted strictly through mindshackled cat's paws, Trazyn goes to great pains to keep his identity a secret. As Abaddon the Despoiler's 13th Black Crusade moved to its climax during the forces of Chaos' final assault upon the Fortress World of Cadia in 999.M41, Trazyn the Infinite played the unlikely role of hero, becoming an uneasy and self-interested ally of the Imperium of Man's defenders. Something was coming. Today's lore is all about the finer things in a world that knows only war. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The wind snatched away Creed's hurried shot. Trazyn muttered, even though he knew precisely why he'd done so. Should he need to occupy such a body, he can do so as easily as he could any other surrogate -- the regular occupant's will is suppressed for the duration of Trazyn's occupation, and the body itself instantly morphs into an exact facsimile of his primary form. Trazyn watched the Breachers' Torsion Cannons rip into the Traitors' ranks, and knew at once the Kataphrons could not prevail. But Abaddon would not be denied his prize this time. Cawl's Arc Scourge slithered to life, energy crackling across its coils. Trazyn the Infinite is equipped with: Empathic Obliterator. Trazyn the Infinite is among the most powerful Necron Overlords in the galaxy and a notable thief collector of memes. Depending on the scale of losses, replenishment might be achieved by a few simple kidnappings by low-flying Night Scythes, or may need a more substantial mobilisation to process and catalogue portions of the planetary population. 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